Walking Football, Wednesdays 2-3pm.

We are a friendly mixed gender bunch looking for new players aged over 55 (and the first session will be free).
We play for fun and health. We have the occasional social event too. We walk very briskly in two halves of 25 minutes. All players are responsible for ensuring they are fit enough to play and should consult their GP if unsure.

Contact Bob on 07910 366919 or bob.bradburn@btinternet.com for more information.

A sport combining elements of tennis, table tennis and badminton played on a badminton court with a tennis height net and all the “spin” of table tennis.

Suitable for ages 18-90 (all equipment supplied).
Sessions run on Tuesday and Friday afternoons between 3pm and 5pm.  

Please email Anne for more details:   anneworthington07@gmail.com

Walking Rugby

A version of the game which is at a slower pace than normal. It is very similar to touch rugby and is a non–contact game. We invite both males and females to play the game who want to stay active or become active

Day: Every Friday 

Time: 10:30am – 11:30am 

Price: £3 per person 

Age: 50+

Gender: Males and Females

Toddington Tae Kwon Do 

We are always looking for new members! 

The club page is www.toddington-tkd.com

Our training sessions are Mondays 6-8pm and Wednesdays 5-7pm. 

Contact Geri Jones for more information.

Dumbleton Cricket Club

The cricket club use the cricket nets during the winter months.

More details of the club at www.dumbleton.play-cricket.com

Winchcombe Cricket Club

Winchcombe Cricket Club would love to hear from anyone interested in playing cricket.  See our website winchcombecricketclub.co.uk or email us at winchcombecricketclub@googlemail.com for more information.


Give Unihoc a try!  It is a fast, exciting version of hockey played indoors with plastic balls and sticks.  We play on Sundays 5.30pm – 6.30pm, and adults and over-13’s are welcome.

Thursday Night Badminton Club

We are a small, relaxed group that play on a Thursday evening 9-10pm.

Always happy to welcome new faces.

If interested please contact Charlie 07837 517764..

We have two new committee members: Chairman - Zsolt Kaloz, Treasurer - Lynne Smith